How to Make Masks and Animal Sculptures with Paper Mache Clay

When I was a home maker in my earlier days with my children I had a hobby of crafting. They were just about the age where I could actively “ignore” them. Most of the time I would get them involved with what I was doing but then they were bored of it and they took off to find something more interesting to do. I spent most of time on these though while they were napping or asleep for the night. Zoning out, nothing but sculpting this mixture in to something.

I have not picked up the hobby in over 10 years. I was getting my Halloween costume in order and I couldn’t find the right mask or piece to make it work. The sizes were comically small. Like only fitting over your nose small. I know I have a bit of a slope to cover here but the average person couldn’t pull that off either. So I thought, make it out of paper mache. This came out comically large. You’ll see why in the end.

I used this as a workshop with kids in Ely for a community art class. This is an easy and all age workshop. Just remember that you are working with toxic when ingested items, so supervision is needed.

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Jonni Good is very talented. When she was starting out this journey of sharing with world for free, mind you, her invention of the “clay” recipe she was very responsive and insightful on helping others get answers to best ways to utiliize her methods with your own ideas. Still is to this day. You can find her work, blogs and more books on her website at

I present to you Daffy Duck’s bill.

I hope you enjoyed your Halloween just as much as I did.

Be kind and cheers,


Drummond Library